The Faculty of Arts is embarking on a strategic planning process that will result in a new five-year strategy for our students, faculty and staff.

Our new plan will be informed through comprehensive input and feedback from across our community and the opportunities and challenges for Faculty of Arts and the higher education.  Our process aims to centre Justice, Equity and Inclusion and ensure historically marginalized community members are heard.

We will bring the plan to life through a phased approach that involves ongoing community consultation and validation right up until the launch.  Below, learn more about what’s in store for each phase of this exciting project.

November 2023 - February 2024

  • Establish project team and governance model
  • Kick-off event at the Chan Centre
  • Internal alignment work on approach and process

February - August 2024

  • Cross-faculty conversations via focus groups and online survey(s)
  • Conversations with targeted community groups and Musqueam
  • Synthesis of key insights and gathering further feedback for emerging framework

September - December 2024

  • Pillar-specific discussions to develop goals and strategies
  • Validation of key goals and strategies
  • Integration and alignment with institutional priorities

January - March 2025

  •  Internal agreement on implementation approach and roadmap
  • Development of strategic indicators and operationalization of the plan

April 2025

  • Finalize report and launch plan
  • Townhall kickoff event for the UBC Faculty of Arts community
  • Initiation of plan

May 2025 and beyond

  • Implement and sustain our plan
  • Ongoing tracking of our efforts
  • Development of dashboard with key performance indicators

Our Guiding Principles

Our strategic planning process is rooted in the following guiding principles. They serve to anchor our dialogue, focus groups and follow up conversations that will take place over the course of the project.

  • We believe in active listening and ongoing learning.
  • We believe in approaching conversations and feedback with curiosity. We embrace the tenet there are no right or wrong answers—only valuable insights.
  • We believe in encouraging everyone to contribute and be heard, whether through open dialogue, surveys, or one-on-one conversations.
  • We recognize communication styles are not uniform and not everyone wishes to engage in the same way. Whether you speak up in a focus group, share your thoughts via a survey, or reach out via our formal meeting opportunities, your voice will be heard.
  • We will seek to make connections between diverse ideas throughout this process.

Latest News

Watch this spot for timely updates and messages about the strategic planning process.

Strategic Planning 2019-2024

Our strategic plan for 2019-2024 sets out our faculty’s goals and strategies, and identifies opportunities for research excellence, transformative learning, local and global engagement, and collaboration.


$26.9M in annual research funding


102,831 living alumni


121 countries represented within our student body