Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)


Hammerly, Christopher (Linguistics)
The experimental linguistics and fieldwork lab

Silverberg, Noah (Psychology)
Persistent symptoms after concussion: psychological mechanisms and treatment

Werker, Janet (Psychology)
Ensuring full literacy in a multicultural and digital world


Knox, Sara (Geography)
Integrated Greenhouse Gas Research and Observations in Wetlands (iGROW)

Rosenblum, Daisy (Anthropology)
Centre for Community Engaged Documentation and Research

Schwartz, Naomi (Geography)
Facilities for the Geospatial Ecology of Landscapes Laboratory

Soskuthy, Marton (Linguistics)
The Origins of Patterns in Speech Lab

Speller, Camilla (Anthropology) 
Establishing an Ancient DNA and Protein (ADαPT) Facility at UBC

Werker, Janet (Psychology)
Ensuring Full Literacy in a Multicultural and Digital World