Modes of Course Delivery

Modes of delivery in the Course Schedule identify which courses, discussions, tutorials, and labs are in-person, online, hybrid, or multi-access.

How Arts courses are delivered

In the Course Schedule in Workday, each course activity will show a “Mode of Delivery”, which describes how each individual component (e.g., lecture, lab, tutorial, discussion) within a course is going to be delivered.

UBC offers the following course modes of delivery for the 2024/25 Winter Session:

  • In-Person: The course activity takes place in-person.
  • Online: The course activity is fully online and does not require any in-person attendance to complete
  • Hybrid: The course activity has a mixture of mandatory in-person and online activities as designed by the instructor.
  • Multi-Access: The course activity gives students the choice to attend either in person or online, as designed by the instructor.
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